Car History Check

Enter a registration below to check a car's history for free

What secrets is your car’s history hiding?


cars STOLEN last
year in the UK


cars are WRITTEN OFF
or severely damaged


cars are still under


What’s included in our "FREE Car History Check"?

Explore the detailed insights offered in our comprehensive car history check, powered by DVLA data. Get your free car check today and access in-depth information, including:

  1. Vehicle specifications, including brand, model, body style, color, year of registration, Euro status and vehicle age.
  2. Road tax (VED) details including 6 months and 12 months standard and premium rates with expiry details.
  3. Full MOT History including MOT status, advisory notes, failure reasons, expiry date, MOT Count.
  4. Mileage record, detailing any discrepancies, total miles covered, and annual average mileage status (high or low).
  5. Engine capacity (CC), Fuel type
  6. Vehicle type approval category
  7. The latest V5C issue date as recorded in the DVLA vehicle registration database.
  8. VED CO2 Band and CO2 emissions based on European standards
  9. London's ULEZ (Ultra Low Emission Zone) compliance status
  10. Safety recall notices

What’s included in our "Full Car History Check"?

Get comprehensive historical details on any UK vehicle, helping you avoid risks and make informed decisions. Uncover hidden issues and access critical information before buying or selling, including:

  1. Outstanding Finance Check: Shows active finance agreements and contact details for the finance company.
  2. Insurance Write-Off (Total Loss): Indicates if the vehicle is a total loss (Categories A, B, C, D, S, N) with loss type, date, and damage details from the MIAFTR.
  3. Stolen Vehicle Check: Verify if the vehicle is listed as stolen on the PNC (Police National Computer).
  4. Third-party interest: Detects security markers placed on a vehicle by a third party (B2B only), typically indicating disputed finance obligations or other third-party interests.
  5. Scrapped Car Check: Verify if the vehicle has been officially marked as scrapped in DVLA records.
  6. Previous Keepers (Car Ownership History): Check the number of previous owners and the dates of ownership changes as recorded by the DVLA.
  7. Number Plate Changes: Review the vehicle's history of registration plate updates, including private plate changes with dates as recorded by the DVLA.
  8. Colour Changes: Examine the vehicle's colour history, including the original shade and any recorded changes.
  9. MOT History: Access a detailed record of the vehicle's MOT history, including the mileage recorded during each MOT check.
  10. VIN Check: Displays the last five digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) as recorded by the DVLA, ensuring it matches the vehicle and its V5C logbook. You can also enter your full 17-digit VIN and click "Verify" to confirm it’s valid and matches your vehicle details with the DVLA.
  11. Performance: Access detailed vehicle performance metrics, including top speed, power (RPM, BHP, kW), and torque (RPM, FtLb, Nm).
  12. Car Valuation: Offers accurate, up-to-date market values based on the car's mileage, including forecourt, trade-in, private, and auction sale prices. Provided in our car valuation report but not included in the full car history check.
  13. Imported/Exported: Verify if the vehicle is recorded as imported or exported in DVLA records.


Our car check and VIN check data are sourced from trusted databases, including the DVLA, police records, auction houses, and MOT databases. By consolidating this information, we provide detailed insights into over 40 million UK vehicles. With our service, you can access essential details like the car’s make, model, body style, engine size, fuel type, color, wheel plan, vehicle dimensions, and complete MOT history, including expiry dates and advisory notes.

Yes, our basic car history check is completely free for vehicles registered in the UK and Northern Ireland. Simply enter a vehicle registration number to access a free report. For comprehensive details, such as outstanding finance, stolen status, and mileage anomalies, our service is available at the lowest cost in the UK.

Our car check service offers instant access to your vehicle's tax and MOT status. Enter the vehicle’s registration number to view MOT expiry dates, tax details, and history. For additional verification, you can also cross-check using GOV.UK's MOT and tax checker tools.

A car history check is crucial when buying a used vehicle to avoid costly mistakes. It uncovers critical details like outstanding finance agreements, stolen vehicle records, insurance write-offs, mileage discrepancies, and auction or ownership history. By revealing hidden issues, our checks offer the peace of mind you need to make an informed decision.

With our car check, you can’t access personal details of previous owners, as the DVLA does not share such information. However, our service provides the total number of previous keepers and the dates of ownership changes, ensuring compliance with DVLA policies.